Class ListingTextField

    • Method Detail

      • createSingleLineTextField

        public static ListingTextField createSingleLineTextField​(FieldFactory factory,
                                                                 ProxyObj<?> proxy,
                                                                 FieldElement fieldElement,
                                                                 int startX,
                                                                 int width,
                                                                 HighlightProvider provider)
        Creates a new ListingTextField that displays the text on a single line, clipping as needed.
        factory - the field factory that generated this field
        proxy - the object used to populate this field
        fieldElement - the individual element within the field. This holds text, attributes and location information.
        startX - the starting X position of the field
        width - the width of the field
        provider - the highlight provider.
        the text field.
      • createWordWrappedTextField

        public static ListingTextField createWordWrappedTextField​(FieldFactory factory,
                                                                  ProxyObj<?> proxy,
                                                                  FieldElement fieldElement,
                                                                  int startX,
                                                                  int width,
                                                                  int maxLines,
                                                                  HighlightProvider provider)
        Displays the given text, word-wrapping as needed to avoid clipping (up to the max number of lines.)
        factory - the field factory that generated this field
        proxy - the object used to populate this field
        fieldElement - the individual element within the field. This holds text, attributes and location information.
        startX - the starting X position of the field
        width - the width of the field
        maxLines - the maxLines to display.
        provider - the highlight provider.
        the text field.
      • createPackedTextField

        public static ListingTextField createPackedTextField​(FieldFactory factory,
                                                             ProxyObj<?> proxy,
                                                             FieldElement[] textElements,
                                                             int startX,
                                                             int width,
                                                             int maxLines,
                                                             HighlightProvider provider)
        Displays the list of text strings, packing as many as it can on a line before wrapping to the next line.
        factory - the field factory that generated this field
        proxy - the object used to populate this field
        textElements - the array of elements for the field. Each of these holds text, attributes and location information.
        startX - the starting X position of the field
        width - the width of the field
        maxLines - the maxLines to display.
        provider - the highlight provider.
        the text field.
      • createMultilineTextField

        public static ListingTextField createMultilineTextField​(FieldFactory factory,
                                                                ProxyObj<?> proxy,
                                                                FieldElement[] textElements,
                                                                int startX,
                                                                int width,
                                                                int maxLines,
                                                                HighlightProvider provider)
        Displays the given array of text, each on its own line.
        factory - the field factory that generated this field
        proxy - the object used to populate this field
        textElements - the array of elements for the field. Each of these holds text, attributes and location information.
        startX - the starting X position of the field
        width - the width of the field
        maxLines - the maxLines to display.
        provider - the highlight provider
        the text field.
      • setPrimary

        public void setPrimary​(boolean b)
        Description copied from interface: TextField
        Sets this field to be primary such that its row is primary
        Specified by:
        setPrimary in interface TextField
        b - this field to be primary such that its row is primary
      • dataToScreenLocation

        public RowColLocation dataToScreenLocation​(int dataRow,
                                                   int dataColumn)
        Description copied from interface: TextField
        Translates a data row and column into a screen row and column.
        Specified by:
        dataToScreenLocation in interface TextField
        dataRow - row as defined by the factory
        dataColumn - the character offset into the dataRow
        row and column in the screen coordinate system; a DefaultRowColLocation if this field does not contain the given column
      • screenToDataLocation

        public RowColLocation screenToDataLocation​(int screenRow,
                                                   int screenColumn)
        Description copied from interface: TextField
        Translates a screen coordinate to a row and column in the data from the factory
        Specified by:
        screenToDataLocation in interface TextField
        screenRow - the row in the displayed field text.
        screenColumn - the column in the displayed field text.
        a RowColLocation containing the row and column within the data from the factory.
      • getWidth

        public int getWidth()
        Description copied from interface: Field
        Returns the current width of this field
        Specified by:
        getWidth in interface Field
        the current width of this field
      • getPreferredWidth

        public int getPreferredWidth()
        Description copied from interface: Field
        The minimum required width to paint the contents of this field
        Specified by:
        getPreferredWidth in interface Field
        the minimum required width to paint the contents of this field
      • getHeight

        public int getHeight()
        Description copied from interface: Field
        Returns the height of this field when populated with the given data
        Specified by:
        getHeight in interface Field
        the height
      • getHeightAbove

        public int getHeightAbove()
        Description copied from interface: ListingField
        Returns the height above the imaginary base line used for alignment of fields.
        Specified by:
        getHeightAbove in interface Field
        Specified by:
        getHeightAbove in interface ListingField
        the height above
      • getHeightBelow

        public int getHeightBelow()
        Description copied from interface: ListingField
        Returns the height below the imaginary base line used for alignment of fields.
        Specified by:
        getHeightBelow in interface Field
        Specified by:
        getHeightBelow in interface ListingField
        the height below
      • getStartX

        public int getStartX()
        Description copied from interface: Field
        Returns the horizontal position of this field
        Specified by:
        getStartX in interface Field
        the position
      • paint

        public void paint​(javax.swing.JComponent c,
                          java.awt.Graphics g,
                          PaintContext context,
                          java.awt.Rectangle clip,
                          FieldBackgroundColorManager map,
                          RowColLocation cursorLoc,
                          int rowHeight)
        Description copied from interface: Field
        Paints this field
        Specified by:
        paint in interface Field
        c - the component to paint onto
        g - the graphics context
        context - common paint parameters
        clip - the clipping region to paint into
        map - contains background color information for the field
        cursorLoc - the row,column cursor location within the field or null if the field does not contain the cursor
        rowHeight - the number of pixels in each row of text in the field
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(int x,
                                int y)
        Description copied from interface: Field
        Returns true if the given point is in this field
        Specified by:
        contains in interface Field
        x - the horizontal coordinate of the point
        y - the relative y position in this layout
        true if the given point is in this field
      • getNumDataRows

        public int getNumDataRows()
        Description copied from interface: Field
        Returns the number of data model rows represented by this field. Some fields may change the row count by wrapping or truncating. The value returned here will be the original data row count before any transformations were applied.
        Specified by:
        getNumDataRows in interface Field
        the number of data rows
      • getNumRows

        public int getNumRows()
        Description copied from interface: Field
        Returns the number of rows in this field
        Specified by:
        getNumRows in interface Field
        the number of rows in this field
      • getNumCols

        public int getNumCols​(int row)
        Description copied from interface: Field
        Returns the number of columns in the given row
        Specified by:
        getNumCols in interface Field
        row - the row from which to get the number of columns; this is the screen row
        the number of columns
      • getX

        public int getX​(int row,
                        int col)
        Description copied from interface: Field
        Returns the x coordinate for the given cursor position
        Specified by:
        getX in interface Field
        row - the text row of interest
        col - the character column
        the x value
      • getY

        public int getY​(int row)
        Description copied from interface: Field
        Returns the y coordinate for the given row
        Specified by:
        getY in interface Field
        row - the text row of interest
        the y value
      • getRow

        public int getRow​(int y)
        Description copied from interface: Field
        Returns the row containing the given y coordinate
        Specified by:
        getRow in interface Field
        y - vertical pixel coordinate relative to the top of the screen
        the row
      • getCol

        public int getCol​(int row,
                          int x)
        Description copied from interface: Field
        Returns the cursor column position for the given x coordinate on the given row
        Specified by:
        getCol in interface Field
        row - the text row to find the column on
        x - the horizontal pixel coordinate for which to find the character position
        the column
      • isValid

        public boolean isValid​(int row,
                               int col)
        Description copied from interface: Field
        Returns true if the given row and column represent a valid location for this field with the given data
        Specified by:
        isValid in interface Field
        row - the text row
        col - the character position
        tru if valid
      • getCursorBounds

        public java.awt.Rectangle getCursorBounds​(int row,
                                                  int col)
        Description copied from interface: Field
        Returns a bounding rectangle for the cursor at the given position
        Specified by:
        getCursorBounds in interface Field
        row - the text row
        col - the character position
        the rectangle
      • getScrollableUnitIncrement

        public int getScrollableUnitIncrement​(int topOfScreen,
                                              int direction,
                                              int max)
        Description copied from interface: Field
        Returns the amount to scroll to the next or previous line
        Specified by:
        getScrollableUnitIncrement in interface Field
        topOfScreen - the current y position of the top of the screen
        direction - the direction of the scroll (1 down, -1 up)
        max - the maximum amount to scroll for the entire row - will be positive for down, and negative for up)
        the scroll amount
      • isPrimary

        public boolean isPrimary()
        Description copied from interface: Field
        Returns true if this field is "primary" (the most important) field; used to determine the "primary" line in the layout
        Specified by:
        isPrimary in interface Field
        true if this field is "primary"
      • rowHeightChanged

        public void rowHeightChanged​(int heightAbove,
                                     int heightBelow)
        Description copied from interface: Field
        notifies field that the rowHeight changed
        Specified by:
        rowHeightChanged in interface Field
        heightAbove - the height above the baseline
        heightBelow - the height below the baseline
      • getText

        public java.lang.String getText()
        Description copied from interface: Field
        Returns a string containing all the text in the field
        Specified by:
        getText in interface Field
        the string
      • getTextWithLineSeparators

        public java.lang.String getTextWithLineSeparators()
        Description copied from interface: Field
        Returns a string containing all the text in the field with extra newlines
        Specified by:
        getTextWithLineSeparators in interface Field
        a string containing all the text in the field with extra newlines
      • textOffsetToScreenLocation

        public RowColLocation textOffsetToScreenLocation​(int textOffset)
        Description copied from interface: Field
        Returns the row, column position for an offset into the string returned by getText()
        Specified by:
        textOffsetToScreenLocation in interface Field
        textOffset - the offset into the entire text string for this field
        a RowColLocation that contains the row,column location in the field for a position in the overall field text
      • screenLocationToTextOffset

        public int screenLocationToTextOffset​(int row,
                                              int col)
        Description copied from interface: Field
        Returns the text offset in the overall field text string for the given row and column
        Specified by:
        screenLocationToTextOffset in interface Field
        row - the row
        col - the column
        the offset
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • getProxy

        public ProxyObj<?> getProxy()
        Description copied from interface: ListingField
        Returns the object that the fieldFactory used to generate the information in this field.
        Specified by:
        getProxy in interface ListingField
      • isClipped

        public boolean isClipped()
        Description copied from interface: TextField
        Returns true if the field is not displaying all the text information
        Specified by:
        isClipped in interface TextField
        true if the field is not displaying all the text information
      • getClickedObject

        public java.lang.Object getClickedObject​(FieldLocation fieldLocation)
        Description copied from interface: ListingField
        Returns the object that was clicked on a Field for the given FieldLocation. This may be the field itself or a lower-level entity, such as a FieldElement.
        Specified by:
        getClickedObject in interface ListingField
        fieldLocation - The location that was clicked.
        the object that was clicked
      • getFieldElement

        public FieldElement getFieldElement​(int screenRow,
                                            int screenColumn)
        Description copied from interface: TextField
        Returns the FieldElement at the given screen location.
        Specified by:
        getFieldElement in interface TextField
        screenRow - the row on the screen
        screenColumn - the column on the screen
        the FieldElement at the given screen location.